156 - Default Maps

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156 Map Defaults



When retrieving values from a map, you can specify default values in case the key is not found:

(= 2 (:foo {:bar 0, :baz 1} 2))

However, what if you want the map itself to contain the default values? Write a function which takes a default value and a sequence of keys and constructs a map.


The test cases that I was given were:

(= (__ 0 [:a :b :c]) {:a 0 :b 0 :c 0})
test not run
(= (__ "x" [1 2 3]) {1 "x" 2 "x" 3 "x"})
test not run
(= (__ [:a :b] [:foo :bar]) {:foo [:a :b] :bar [:a :b]})

Right away I noticed that we need to ’do work’ on each item in the collection that’s passed into the function. This makes me think that map will be what I reach for.

Start with the first test case as it’s the simplest (in my mind) to think about. I personally like to define an anonymous function with fn since it makes the values you pass in explicit (vs the #() syntax).

This is where I’ll start:

((fn [dv col] (map () col)) 0 [:a :b :c])

col is passed into the map since we want to iterate over [:a :b :c]. I know I want to associate a key to a value when map visits each value in the collection. This is when we’ll reach for assoc as it does just that.

You’ll also notice that we are passing in the value that we want to use for each key - value pair as dv.

((fn [dv col] (map (fn [key] (assoc {} key dv)) col)) 0 [:a :b :c])

The function that is defined for our map takes in a value which we will use as the key in our resulting map. In that function we will tell assoc that we want a hash-map by passing in {}. Then we’ll set the key to key which is passed in from the map and we’ll set the value in that hash-map to dv which is accessible because the top level function is a closure.

The results are:

{:a 0} {:b 0} {:c 0}

This isn’t quite what we want since we have 3 separate hash-maps. That’s actually a decent fix because merge exists.

((fn [dv col] (reduce merge (map (fn [key] (assoc {} key dv)) col))) 0 [:a :b :c])

By using reduce with merge, we can combine the individual hash-maps into one large one. This passes the test case above!

{:a 0 :b 0 :c 0}

As it turns out, I implemented a naive version of zipmap.

  • zipmap: Returns a map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals.

A big part of learning clojure has been knowing what core functions are available to you. If you utilize zip map.. you can shorten the implementation by quite a bit

((fn [dv col] (zipmap col (repeat dv))) 0 [:a :b :c])

This produces the same results. If you want to get the best golf score possible, use shorthand like Ian Jones does.

(#(zipmap %2 (repeat %1)) 0 [:a :b :c])

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