2021-06-16 7-Fit Eval
Class: 7 Fit Evaluator: Tucker Jones
Take aways
- communicating the literal points of performance is less important
- Find the primary action and relate that to athletes in a way they can understand
- wall balls - instead of saying extend your hips to extension.. EXPLODE through the top to finish the rep
- Find ways to cue poor movement of an athlete without getting stuck on them (and leaving everyone else waiting)
- Give them a cue and take a mental note to return
- if helpful for everyone, give a cue to individual athlete and then get attention of everyone and go through the cue in a little more detail
- Athletes that are convinced they can’t do something
- take them aside after class and work with them to show them how they can make progress
- e.g. can’t touch knee to ground
- Think about the physical space of the workout.
- Will there be enough room with what the CrossFit class is doing?
- How many people are you expecting?
Warm up
- Active coaching w/ lot’s of cues
- Always start with foot position with any movement
- Stuck on one athlete
- demo and movement walk through took much longer than expected with 10 athletes
- good demo
- good job organizing class in lanes
- finding faults (some of the time).. good on DL
- good movement around class
- Do 10 reps instead of 5
- Demand more of each movement
- don’t let people get away with 90% effort (hips sagging a little on glute bridge)
- encouraging
- good movement around class
- good scaling help w/ med ball
- Didn’t demo all the movements! (burpee)
- demo first then talk technique
- clock management
- make sure you count up on a ‘for time’ workout
- Run 2nd fan
[Tucker Jones]: Tucker Jones “Tucker Jones” [//end]: # “Autogenerated link references”