AMRAP sHSPU & Burpee Box Jumps

6 Strict Handstand Push Ups (Fx: kipping) (Rx+: 9)
12 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)


  • The workout we have today is an AMRAP for 10 minutes
  • You’ll be doing 6 strict HSPU as Rx and 12 Burpee Box Jumps
  • This workout will come down to your muscle endurance for HSPU
  • The burpees box jumps are there to get your heart rate going for your next set of HSPU


  • Rx
    • For Rx, you need to be doing 6 strict hspu with no kipping involved
    • The burpee box jump is facing the box and you don’t jump over, just to the top and back down
    • The height of the box is the same for Rx and Fx
  • Fx
    • If you’re Fx’ing it today, you’ll do the same number of HSPU but adding the kip into the movement
    • The burpee box jump is the same height
  • Rx+
    • 9 sHSPU instead of 6


  • The idea for this workout is to do the largest sets of HSPU that you can maintain for 10 minutes
  • If you find yourself doing more than 3 sets in a round, you should scale down
  • For the burpees, you should go at a moderate pace but definitely don’t burn yourself out — this is all about the HSPU


  • There are a good number of options for scaling the HSPU
  • kipping is the first scale
  • if you want to stay strict you can add an abmat and do less range of motion
  • we can show you what a pike hspu from a box looks like
  • and if none of that is working for you, seated dumbbell press at a weight that works for you is a good option

Movement Breakdown



  • have arms at full extension at the top
  • touch your head to the ground and extend until you reach the top again with arms locked out
  • your arms should be in a tripod
    • avoid putting your hands in line with your head, it’s a weak position
    • (much like a strict press with a barbell)
  • but stays off the wall

Points of Performance

  • big breath at the top and hold
    • keep belly tight
    • ribs down and inline
  • hands just outside shoulders
  • arms extended
  • elbows move forward as you descend
  • open shoulders all the way at the top

Burpee Box Jump


  • face the box
  • chest touches the floor at the bottom
  • jump with two feet to the top of the box
  • extend hips fully

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