BCF shoulder to overhead heavy day
Clean + push press + push jerk + split jerk
Today we have 10 sets of a shoulder to overhead complex that starts with a clean. When you get the bar to your shoulders you’ll do a push press, re rack into a push jerk and finally rerack for a split jerk
Well build in weight through each set, working up to something heavy.
The clean can be squat or power but I recommend power if you’ve been coming this week
The crux of this complex is how much you can push press which means push jerk and split jerk should be manageable. This is a great time to work on your push and split jerk technique under a little fatigue after the heavy push press
Warm up
3 rounds 1 minute med ball toss Inchworm push up / handstand hold / 10 cartwheels (or inch worm with push up)
Shoulder stretch on ground Front rack stretch
- dip and shrug
- Dip High pull
- Hang Muscle clean
- Full power clean Jerk
- dip and jump no bar
- Dip jump and drop no bar
- Dip jump and split no bar
- Push press focus on the JUMP
- Push jerk focus on driving under the bar
- Split jerk get long with the feet