Deadlift 5x5 (30X2) 5 reps, 5 sets, same weight across 50-60%
Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Reps For Time Double-Unders Sit-Ups
Brief 5:20-5:25
We have two pieces for today. First a tempo deadlift session followed by Annie.
(30X2) Whenever you see this annotation, it means we have some tempo/pause work. First number is duration of the eccentric (lowering) portion of the movement. Second number is at the bottom, the duration of the concentric (pressing/active) portion of the movement and finally the last number is duration of the pause at the top.
So for (30X2) we’re doing 3 seconds eccentric, no rest at the bottom, explode up, 2 second pause at the top. With a deadlift we essentially start at the X
and work from there which can make the annotation confusing.
Annie is a classic benchmark in crossfit. If you have double unders, but not as many as prescribed you can back off and do less reps or work for a fixed amount of time.
We should all be able to do sit ups.
Warm up 5:25-5:33
3 rds
30 single unders 20 banded good mornings 10 inch worm with push up
Deadlift progression 5:33-5:42
- elevator drill
- warm up
Strength 5:42-5:57
Metcon warm up 5:57-6:05
focus on transitions
3 rds 10 double unders 5 sit ups