2021-06-30 7-Fit
Warmup (5 minutes)
2 minute row
2 rds
8 (each) small plate complex
- front raise
- side raise
- lu raise
- pull and press
5 inch worms with a push up
10 dead bugs
- 2 minute transition
Db Push Press Review (6 minutes)
- demo
- front rack position
- the back head of the dumbbell is resting on your shoulders
- elbows slightly in front of your shoulders
- shoulders engaged, back and down
- dip and stand (8 reps)
- knees out
- vertical chest
- slight dip
- singles (8 reps)
- focus on exploding out of the dip
- a set of 8
- keep chest up
- slight 2” dip
Kb Swing Review (6 minutes)
- demo
- wall drill (8 reps)
- stand 2 feet lengths away from wall
- shoot hips back until the touch the wall
- keep shins vertical
- don’t squat
- 8 single reps
- start with the kb a foot or so infront of you
- hike it in between your legs as high up as you can go
- snap your hips forward
- bring it back to the hike position
- set it on the ground
- a set of 10 reps
- keep the kb high in between legs
- focus on hinging at the hips and snapping forward
- core tight so you don’t over extend
E2MOM 36 (3 rounds)
5 Burpees
7 Db Push Press
7/5 cal row
7 Kb swings
9 Box Jumps
9 Push ups
total time: 55 minutes
Cool down: lacrosse ball shoulders
[Db Push Press]: Db Push Press “Db Push Press” [Kb Swing]: Kb Swing “Kb Swing” [//end]: # “Autogenerated link references”
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